Flower, I hope what I said didn't come across as you overcharging the person. I didn't mean it that way at all. I just didn't realize they were that high dollar, that's all. I hope I didn't offend you.

I think it's cool that those birds not only have a black outside, but everything black on the inside as well. Very strange bird indeed. I'd like to see one of those butchered just to see what the internals look like, but that'd be a pretty expensive butchering. :)
The price of ACs has been steadily dropping the past few years, but they are still very expensive if you get good lines. For example, just a few years ago, Greenfire Farms was selling them for $1,500 per pair. ACs were relatively new in the USA back then and hardly anyone had good stock. There are still a lot of poor-quality ACs on the market, so you need to really do your homework and find a trustworthy breeder before you buy hatching eggs; otherwise, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

If you buy AC chicks, don't go on a blind date and order them by mail without getting good-quality photos of your birds first. It's best to show up face-to-face and inspect the birds, and if you're going to either breed or sell them, find out their pedigree.

As cool as ACs look, they're not really birds for beginners. You really need to know the backstory of these chickens, or you can get duped and ripped off very easily. *Buyer Beware* if you buy AC hatching eggs from eBay. Because of the high retail on ACs, there are a lot of scammers out there. @Flowerbh got some top-quality AC chicks from a trusted source: me! :lol: Had I not been moving, I wouldn't have sold them. I got AC hatching eggs with the intent of breeding the adult birds.

As for eating chickens with black meat, some Asian markets carry processed silkies, so black chicken meat is available. Usually its made into soup. I believe that according to Chinese medicine it is supposedly good for a woman to have silkie soup right after she gives birth. Anyway, I'm digressing here. Have a nice day! :)

Hey y'all, does that candling class the state teach (or whoever it is who does it) just show you how to candle eggs, or do they teach you *everything* you need to know to be able to sell eggs in the state of GA? Like handling, washing, refrigeration, etc? So if you get that certification, you're legal to sell eggs in GA? I hope to start selling next year and want to get signed up for the class, but didn't know if that was all I needed to do.
Ben Pitts taught my class. The class is super easy and fun. Your instructor will give you the answers to the test, so don't sweat it. Yes, you can legally sell eggs in GA once you take and pass the one-day course, and you will be provided all need-to-know information. Have fun!
Flower, I hope what I said didn't come across as you overcharging the person. I didn't mean it that way at all. I just didn't realize they were that high dollar, that's all. I hope I didn't offend you.

I think it's cool that those birds not only have a black outside, but everything black on the inside as well. Very strange bird indeed. I'd like to see one of those butchered just to see what the internals look like, but that'd be a pretty expensive butchering. :)

Haha. No, not at all. I was just saying why he did get charged what I did. That's the one bad thing about texting....you have no idea what people are feeling! :) Thank goodness for these little fellows! :cool::plbb:jumpy
Hey y'all, does that candling class the state teach (or whoever it is who does it) just show you how to candle eggs, or do they teach you *everything* you need to know to be able to sell eggs in the state of GA? Like handling, washing, refrigeration, etc? So if you get that certification, you're legal to sell eggs in GA? I hope to start selling next year and want to get signed up for the class, but didn't know if that was all I needed to do.

My experience with that class was that they email you pages and pages (like 70)! of info. Thinking that this was gonna be an actual 'class' where they teach you what you need to know, I barely read the pages of stuff. So, I walked into the class and they asked us all to put our names and addresses on a form, then he starts passing out a paper and says that 'this is your test'. WHat?! Where did the 'class' go??? He said, "didn't you read your stuff?" I said I had looked over it but didn't read it all because I thought we would be learning it in 'class' and I had my notebook to take notes. He said, "Don't worry, nobody fails" Luckily, I knew all the answers but two....so he told me those answers.

And, yes, you are suppose to display your license where you sell eggs. I have to have mine for the farmers market! Plus, I have a poultry license to sell chicks/chickens.
Silkie, Sizzle, Frizzle, chicks two months old.


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