Got these!!!

Four White crested ducks and 5 Girl Easter Eggers!

Oh, and I have more eggs hatching Sunday! And more eggs going in on Saturday! I love Spring!!!
My update: I have for eggs I am hoping are late arrivals in the incubator. They are Brahmas and this is day 24. I had an EE's egg with them that hatched on day 20. I am hoping the high lockdown humidity didn't interfere with their last few days of development.

The tiny EE offspring had a Brahma daddy. Her chick coloring is striped like her mother's was and she's showing feathered feet like dad. I can't wait to see how she continues to grow. I am tickled to have offspring from the cockerel we lost to a predator that got into the coop one night. (An out-of-routine night I neglected to shut the door!)

Today a crow tried to take my EE pullet. The combination of my arrival on the scene and the crow overestimating its strength saved her. There were feathers everywhere. I checked for blood, but couldn't find any obvious injuries. I put her in the coop and she took refuge in the roosting area. I found our other pullet apparently hiding and returned her to the coop too even though she'd only been out a few minutes. Is there anything I can do for my traumatized pullet?
Predator Question: We had something knock over our rabbit hutch (about 100lbs), push thru the hardware cloth on the bottom and take the rabbit. The hutch has been there for 3 years. This is cobb county. Any ideas what sort of predator could do this? My first thought was a few coyotes pushed it over on their hind legs and one busted thru - but someone mentioned bear. I've never seen a bear around us nor have I heard of black bear going after live animals - but I figured this group would be a good one to post for opinions.

Predator Question: We had something knock over our rabbit hutch (about 100lbs), push thru the hardware cloth on the bottom and take the rabbit. The hutch has been there for 3 years. This is cobb county. Any ideas what sort of predator could do this? My first thought was a few coyotes pushed it over on their hind legs and one busted thru - but someone mentioned bear. I've never seen a bear around us nor have I heard of black bear going after live animals - but I figured this group would be a good one to post for opinions.

I would guess dogs or coyotes. I've not heard of bears in your area, however, they have been spotted in Alpharetta, on I-285 North, and in eastern Paulding county.
Any tracks?
Predator Question: We had something knock over our rabbit hutch (about 100lbs), push thru the hardware cloth on the bottom and take the rabbit. The hutch has been there for 3 years. This is cobb county. Any ideas what sort of predator could do this? My first thought was a few coyotes pushed it over on their hind legs and one busted thru - but someone mentioned bear. I've never seen a bear around us nor have I heard of black bear going after live animals - but I figured this group would be a good one to post for opinions.


I agree with Jack; it was probably a large dog. They can sneak in a yard and do some serious damage in short order. I love dogs, but not strays or roaming packs.
Bear will kill chickens, rabbits, and any small animal that it can catch. They are omnivores. They will eat anything that presents an opportunity. Bears are not scared of approaching houses even in crowded neighborhoods. We have trail cameras around our property and have taken pics of several different bears, but we have only seen a couple of the littler ones. They can be very stealthy. It may not have been a bear, but I wouldn't take them off the suspect list. YES, a bear is possible in Cobb county.
Predator Question: We had something knock over our rabbit hutch (about 100lbs), push thru the hardware cloth on the bottom and take the rabbit. The hutch has been there for 3 years. This is cobb county. Any ideas what sort of predator could do this? My first thought was a few coyotes pushed it over on their hind legs and one busted thru - but someone mentioned bear. I've never seen a bear around us nor have I heard of black bear going after live animals - but I figured this group would be a good one to post for opinions.

I think I should have hit reply before I wrote my response.:idunno

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