Goodness, this weekend was ruff. I had a massive class project that had to get done haha.

Had a great time at the show with flowerbh. Sadly we did miss the "show" part of everything, but I enjoy seeing all the chickens anyway. I got two little bantam cochin. One hen and one roo. Both super SWEEET. I forgot that cocks are so hormonal and overdo everything like "I found a treat." omg he screams at it then throws it across the ground in excitement. great fun.


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Goodness, this weekend was ruff. I had a massive class project that had to get done haha.

Had a great time at the show with flowerbh. Sadly we did miss the "show" part of everything, but I enjoy seeing all the chickens anyway. I got two little bantam cochin. One hen and one roo. Both super SWEEET. I forgot that cocks are so hormonal and overdo everything like "I found a treat." omg he screams at it then throws it across the ground in excitement. great fun.
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Hey Lady Who! So glad to see you alive! I was worried about what your parents were going to say about you getting the chickens! I forgot what a handsome fellow that little Cochin roo was! They are both so cute!
I had a lady come and buy 9 of my hens today. Makes room for new ones! LOL.
Incubator is running. I don't see anything in the Jubilee Orpington eggs! But, it is only 5 days so I will see. Problem is, I see veins in most the others. The Blue Partridge Brahma eggs I got only look like 50% at this early time. I will check in another few days.
The rooster is really nice, i hope he gets longer tail feathers becuase they are really nice. He super sweet to all the girls and towards me and i hope that doesnt change as he grows becuase he is really the best rooster i could hope for.

darn that sucks, i was really hopping you would get a good rate. i hope the other eggs you got from that guy who was showing are going to turn out ok.
Hey Lady Who! So glad to see you alive! I was worried about what your parents were going to say about you getting the chickens! I forgot what a handsome fellow that little Cochin roo was! They are both so cute!
I had a lady come and buy 9 of my hens today. Makes room for new ones! LOL.
Incubator is running. I don't see anything in the Jubilee Orpington eggs! But, it is only 5 days so I will see. Problem is, I see veins in most the others. The Blue Partridge Brahma eggs I got only look like 50% at this early time. I will check in another few days.
I'm going to need to get some eggs from you in April ... guessing fertility will be much, much better by then. ;)
Here I am with a rooster nobody wants. After years of chickens I moved to GA. I found a nice home for my Florida flock. Someone tossed this bird and he ended up with me. It's been cold and rainy. I leave him outside most of the day, at duskdu bring him in the garage. I got some chick starter. He's young, big, and pretty I might add. I feel sorry for him. If he's going to stay I have to get or build a coop for him. I've only lived here in Dahlonega for a few months. In April I have to go to FL for four days. I don't know what to do with him while I'm gone. I called the vet's office to see if someone does pet visits, no luck. Could I leave enough food and water for him for 4 days in the garage? I don't want to do that. I don't want to leave him outside, he'll just become raccoon food.
Here I am with a rooster nobody wants. After years of chickens I moved to GA. I found a nice home for my Florida flock. Someone tossed this bird and he ended up with me. It's been cold and rainy. I leave him outside most of the day, at duskdu bring him in the garage. I got some chick starter. He's young, big, and pretty I might add. I feel sorry for him. If he's going to stay I have to get or build a coop for him. I've only lived here in Dahlonega for a few months. In April I have to go to FL for four days. I don't know what to do with him while I'm gone. I called the vet's office to see if someone does pet visits, no luck. Could I leave enough food and water for him for 4 days in the garage? I don't want to do that. I don't want to leave him outside, he'll just become raccoon food.

I live in West Dawsonville. I could crate him in my garage for you for the four days, but I would have to have your promise to come back and get him! LOL! And, I have lots of hens if you decide to get him some female friends!
Thank you so much for your generous offer. I may have to take you up on it. If everything works out with Mr Rooster. Having chickens in the backyard again is such a temping thought. Thank you again!!!

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