yokeless eggs??

That website is great! I bookmarked it!

How old is your hen and what breed is she? Hens that are new to laying will often lay yolkless eggs. I'm pretty sure I had a couple last year when mine started and the eggs were much smaller than regular eggs. Give her time and you'll likely see a yolk appear and her eggs get bigger.
yeah... i bookmarked the website in my favorites as well... She is a RIR hen... we got her as a chick in april or may of last year. Of my RIR hens she was my late bloomer. My other three RIR hens started laying in sept/oct of last year she just started in Jan, but they are all the same age.
We once visited "Blooms egg farm" and they showed us eggs w/o yolks laid by just starting chickens. The new BackYard Poultry mag has a picture of an egg inside and egg, so I guess anything is possible.
Well, she laid her first yoked egg. I have lost count now on how many yokeless eggs she has laid… We were starting to enjoy our little “odd” chicken. This morning’s egg was of course her largest ever and she is doing great. I still think it is a little strange to go on that long.

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