Yokohama Roosters


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 19, 2010
Free!! Two lovely Red Shouldered Yokohama Cockerels. You can take them seperately or together. I bought them at the co-op as day old chicks and turns out they were both boys. Bummer for me, but it could be good for you! They are about 4 1/2 months old and don't have crazy long pretty tailfeathers yet, but they are certainly on their way. They are learning to crow and it makes me laugh everytime. So far they are both really tame (no attacks), although they don't really like being held. They will eat out of your hand though. I live in the Nashville area, and make frequent trips to Indiana, so I could possibly meet somewhere in KY or IN. Thanks!



where did you get this line of chickens they really pretty
I got yokohamas but they have the peach comb I noticed yours have a walnut comb
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I just got them from the local co op. I don't know anything about them really, other than they seemed cute...but now I've got 3 roosters and 9 hens and it's getting to be a bit much
I believe you got the minohiki type my yokomas look lot different from yours here is a picture of mine with a peach comb my are not full grown yet.

yours might look like the one in the last picture
with the walnut comb
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haha, I'm such a newbie. I had no idea there even were any differences?! Your boy is beautiful by the way.
mine will get like this eventually

maybe with longer tail ,it is in a special diet
I jacked this picture from a guy from another forum hehehe
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