

12 Years
Aug 20, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Does anyone own any Yokohamas? If so, I would be interested to know about their temperment, how they do in a mixed flock (the hens, not the roosters). Please, I've already checked the Henderson Breed chart, and the entries about them on both feathersite and Ideal. I'm interested in knowing what they're really like from people who own some. Pictures would be great - esp. of the hens.

I've got two red shouldered Yokohama pullets. They are quiet sweet and friendly, not as cuddly as the Silkies or as calm as the heavy breeds. They do like to meet me in the morning but are shy about other people. They can fly really well since they are light weight.

That big blurry thing on the right is my goats nose.


Here's my other girl and a bald headed EE beside her. I have no idea why that EE is bald, I got her that way.
Oh thanks Angie! Your girls are lovely. Your poor EE! That's strange. I wonder if her head gets cold where her bald spot is - she needs a little chicken hat. Thanks for the info and the photos. The fact that they are flyers and may keep me from getting one (I should have known they would be flyers based on how lightweight they are). Although my run is enclosed on the top, I would worry about them getting over the fence while free-ranging in my yard with the rest of the flock. I know I could always trim their wing-tips but I would be hesitant to clip such lovely wings. They are such an elegant breed. Thanks so much

I love the blurry goat nose,
I just bought mine Yokohama yesterday and she is very sweet. I an able to pick her up and hold her in my arms without any difficulty. The other four hens are pecking at her quite a bit so I let them out in the yard to roam and leave her and my little Bantam in the pen.

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