Yolk Color


Free Ranging
9 Years
Apr 28, 2010
NW Washington State
We've been raising quail for less than a year, and after the novelty of the quail eggs wore off, we gravitated back to eating mostly chicken eggs. My wife says it's because of color of the yolks.

Our quail eggs have pale-colored yolks, similar in color to supermarket chicken egg yolks. Our chicken eggs have yolks that are a much deeper, brighter golden yellow. The quail eat almost exclusively game bird chow. The chickens get layer crumble, but they supplement it by foraging all day. I assume it's the bugs that make the difference, but they get seeds and grasses and other things, too.

If I supplemented the quail diet with some kind of animal protein (like meal worms), would I get deeper colored yolks? Would it change the flavor of the eggs (I assume for the better, not that I'm complaining about the way our quail eggs taste)?
We've been raising quail for less than a year, and after the novelty of the quail eggs wore off, we gravitated back to eating mostly chicken eggs. My wife says it's because of color of the yolks.

Our quail eggs have pale-colored yolks, similar in color to supermarket chicken egg yolks. Our chicken eggs have yolks that are a much deeper, brighter golden yellow. The quail eat almost exclusively game bird chow. The chickens get layer crumble, but they supplement it by foraging all day. I assume it's the bugs that make the difference, but they get seeds and grasses and other things, too.

If I supplemented the quail diet with some kind of animal protein (like meal worms), would I get deeper colored yolks? Would it change the flavor of the eggs (I assume for the better, not that I'm complaining about the way our quail eggs taste)?
Purchase "Alfalfa".. either cubes or in bale form. Pre soak it for 5 to 1o mins. They will give you the deepest orange color that "Crayola" will envy.
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