Yolk in poop?


7 Years
Apr 17, 2017
Greenville, SC
My sister found this in the coop this morning. None of the chickens are acting sick and they are only 6.5 months old. Is this EYP? She said it looked like a scrambled piece of egg, when she slit it open it looked like runny yolk. Can this happen in young chickens? They are all laying though the two EEs don't seem to lay an egg as often. No Avian vets nearby that we've found though I think there may be a traveling one. Any suggestions on what we can do?

Hopefully, it is just a one time occurance where an egg may have been broken inside, and passed along with droppings. But even a young hen can suffer from a reproductive disorder, though it is more common in older hens. I would just keep an eye out for more of those droppings, and look out for one who is acting off or sick.
could be part cecal poop
do you know which bird did it?

ETA could also be a sign of worms

No, we don't. They all sleep on the roof of the coop being that it is too small for all of them inside and sis saw it when she went out this morning to scrape off the poop and give them fresh water. They've never been wormed that I know of, do you think we should worm all of them just in case and what would be the best one to use?

Hopefully, it is just a one time occurance where an egg may have been broken inside, and passed along with droppings. But even a young hen can suffer from a reproductive disorder, though it is more common in older hens. I would just keep an eye out for more of those droppings, and look out for one who is acting off or sick.

I'm praying that's what it is. I get so paranoid since we lost one of our girls at about 3 months of age. They all still seem to be acting normal so far and we haven't seen any more of that "poop".
if you are worried about it i would see if there is a vet nearby that an do a fecal
otherwise i would just keep an eye out

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