You could learn a lot from a chicken!


17 Years
Apr 20, 2007
Benton Twp., Michigan
I use my hens as an illustration when I'm talking to women about personal safety.

When a chicken sees or senses something that could be a danger, they don't rationalize or second-guess. Can you imagine a chicken thinking, "Well, that shadow that passed over might be a hawk, but I'm not going to be one of those chickens that makes judgments about hawks. And what if it's not a hawk, and everyone thinks I'm silly?" They just do what they must to avoid danger. And, yes, sometimes they run and hide from a falling leaf or a butterfly, but they can't afford to be wrong.

But we, who are supposed to be smarter, will look into an elevator, see someone who makes us feel uncomfortable, and think, "Well, I'm not going to be one of those people who makes judgements about others without knowing them. I just couldn't live that way." And we get into a soundproof metal box* with someone who makes us feel uncomfortable. IT JUST MAKES NO SENSE, because we can't afford to be wrong, either.

* or "go on a date", or "open the door of our home", or "hire as a babysitter", or . . .

PS Everything one needs to know about personal safety can be found in Gavin DeBecker's book The Gift of Fear, and his audio series Fear Less. Ironically, his book is about not being afraid all the time; it helped me overcome my fear of driving at night.
I like the analogy.
If we followed our instincts more we might be better off.
I have learned at lot from my chickens. Didn't think about this though. More along the lines of personal space, stubborness, social interactions/pecking order/sticking up for myself. That getting outside at the crack of dawn every stinkin' morning was good for me. Ditto for dusk/dark time. To slow down and watch the funny stuff, and watch life in general. That hungry can do so much to risk taking.

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