You gotta watch this Video!!

Oh, isn't that something?!

I have wondered about getting a Call drake. Then I think, if he's successful with mating with any of my runner girls and they hatch out a girl (if, if if . . . ) she might be really loud!

But then, what are the odds?
He's probably need a step stool Amiga..
yeah, I thought it was all pretty unlikely . . . but where there's a will, there's a way. I oughtn't name him Will, then.

This mythical Call drake, I mean.
It's possible, I have witnessed and them sucessfully hatched out call x standard ducklings, they take the side of the larger breed (in my case the mothers) but it is possible.

usually though, calls are more attracted to other smaller breeds, mine hung with my mallards and mallard x's

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