You guys are killing me! Update on page 4


8 Years
Jan 30, 2011
Tulsa, Ok
Ok, so these two supposed marans chicks. Sold as marans pullets, obviously are a cross. First I was told pullets, then roos, then pullets, then definitely roos because of the red. They are 6 and 5 months old. No crows and no saddle feather. I just resigned myself they were roos, but now in two other threads people are looking at their pictures and telling me they are pullets. I wish they would either crow or lay an egg. Though we decided that if they were roos that didnt crow we would keep them (which is why we still have them)

I am ok with them being roos. I just cant take this, roo/pullet/roo/pullet thing. Could the red on them be some sort of lacing like with whatever they were crossed with? Please just put me out of my misery and tel me what they are and please everyone be in consensus lol

They were hatched in May and June

Here is He-She (used to be Hershey) 6 1/2 months



Cocoa 5 1/2 months



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The coloring is confusing. It reminds me of the partridge look how it makes the feathers look pointy.
At 6 1/2 months I would think they would have crowed by now, do you have any other roosters around they could be feeling dominated by? Possibly that could keep them from crowing.

I've got hens that age and older that have still not laid an egg yet, some of them mature slower than others. I have a Welsummer and an EE both about 7 months old now probably who don't seem anywhere near laying an egg, but they are both clearly hens.

I'm just not familiar enough with Marans to say for sure either way you have very confusing looking birds, but I'm leaning toward hens.
We dont have any roos and dont want any because we are in a neighborhood. I would keep one if it was nice and not loud. I was a little excited to think we may have roos that dont crow. We have been calling them guys for a month now. Then I had this mystery olive egg and people saw their pictures and many think they are hen. Sigh, I just wanna know.

If they are roos they are sooooo hen pecked. And there has been no attempt at mating. One looked like it might have even squatted, but then never did it agian, so it may have been doing something else.
Do you think both are since the coloring is the same? When would I expect a crow then?

Oh and Cocoa is definitely squatting. Did it 3 times for my daughter and then just now twice for me. Does a rooster ever squat?

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