You know its Autumn/Fall when...

Henry'schickens :

Aren't mums perrenials? Mine didn't come back

You know it's fall when you finally start getting eggs again, instead of having 10-15 broody hens!!

Some are hardier than others. Mine are in the ground so they do come back and bloom every fall. Sometimes a harsh winter will kill them off. If you just pot them, no I doubt they will come back next year. Depends on your planting zone.​

No, these were in the ground. They are garden mums. I forgot all about them until Camelot Farms mentioned hers.
Aren't mums perrenials? Mine didn't come back

You know it's fall when you finally start getting eggs again, instead of having 10-15 broody hens!!

I buy the cheap ones that are annuals than I can pot them in containers.

Those could be the Chipmunks who start gathering the Acorns that are falling now!
Plus we have some we call Fairy Diddles that are smaller than a regular gray or red squirrel!

Brrr... to wearing long sleeved shirts in the mornings and evenings for chicken chores that time of year for cool!!! My favorite season!!

Yup the mums and asters are on sale now everywhere so it's Fall.
Those could be the Chipmunks who start gathering the Acorns that are falling now!
Plus we have some we call Fairy Diddles that are smaller than a regular gray or red squirrel!

Brrr... to wearing long sleeved shirts in the mornings and evenings for chicken chores that time of year for cool!!! My favorite season!!

Yup the mums and asters are on sale now everywhere so it's Fall.

I googled... It says the juvenile gray squirrels have the black bands around their tails.

It said a lot about squirrels... the gray squirrel can live up to 16 years I think it said but the majority of squirrels don't survive past 4 years of age. And they have 2 mating seasons in a year, mid-winter and early summer producing 2-4 pups in a litter, averaging about 6 pups a year. And they are weaned by their 9th week.

and this tidbit I found interesting, "Young males leave the nests before the young females. Since the females stay at the nest until they’re more mature, females are numerically almost twice the population as male squirrels."

and boy oh boy are they really busy squirrels around here.

I wonder where the 2 little frogs that went into my duck pool will go for the winter. I was surprised to find little frogs in there. Toads we always see but the frogs were a fun surprise.
...and you just wanted me to go google fairy diddle... that'd be the red squirrel.

At first I thought you were makin it up.

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