You know you are "Country" when...

i know i'm country because the first thing i think of doing when in the nesting phase of pregnancy is to clean out the barn! (and i did clean it out!)
I miss those days.
I live in town now but I want OUT!
BTW I still do my animal chores in my robe and muck boots. Gives the neighbors something to talk about and they DO love to talk.
When you move the chicken off the couch so you have a place to sit down..and you remind the kids to put the chick back in the basement when they are done watching tv with it.
yeah the cat sleeps out though.
Pj's? Na just undies and a cami out to the chicken pens to tuck them in...tonight long johns and jacket. I could do it in my birthday suit and no one other than us would even know.
No house keys here and car keys stay in the cars..even the ones we never drive have keys in them.
I was at work today and went into the breakroom to return a missed call to the neighbors.... It went something like this.......
(imagine thick Kuntry southern accent........even though we live in NY)

Me: Hey didja find the eggs I left in yur fridge?
Neighbor: yep shore did Thank ya!
Me: Yeah, I let myself in, yur (senile) mother in law (who's also blind I think) said hello to me, I don't think she knew who I was.....Don't worry, I put the dog and barn cat back out that followed me in......."
Neighbor: Ok thanks alot, I'll drop off yur garlic press I gotcha sometime tommorow.....
Me: Sounds good, just leave it on the counter and kick the dogs/turkeys/roosters/guineas outta the way if they act ferocius.....
Neighbow: Ok will do........need anything from the city?
Me: Nah, I'm good...........I'm in the city today at work if I need need anything?" etc, etc, etc.......

I forgot a coworker was in the breakroom during this conversation and when I got off the phone she goes....." So have you always lived in the country? people really let themselves into each others houses, you leave your dooors unlocked?" (she said this with wide eyes LOL!)

Yep, I know I'm country!

Oh yeah, I also made a call to our local garage to let them know I was dropping off my car tonight with the keys in it (doors unlocked)......... I think she's shocked......
lol I went over to my in-law's after 10pm one night, let myself in the open door, no one in I put the eggs in the fridge and took the empty cartons from the top of the fridge, before I ventured down the hall to see if MIL was still awake. She said "I wondered who walked in" . . . . because it obviously wasn't important-enough to get up off her booty to go see who came in
YOU know you are country when you don't bother to run to the house if you just have to pee!  /img/smilies/wee.gif

DON'T JUDGE---YOU  KNOW  YOU  DO  IT  TOO!!!! /img/smilies/smack.gif

When you slosh your own pee on tree trunks and fence posts to deter predators...and later see your dogs backing you up by marking those same spots.

Hey, I learned that trick on a tour of a teepee village at the Indian museum...sounded like a good idea...
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