You know you are "Country" when...

when your BIG present under the Christmas tree is a Havahart live trap to control the coon problem around your coop
I always figured that too.
It's the truth really. Several cars were broken into at my old apartment, including mine, along with several with alarm systems ---- I never lock my doors though so while I didn't have a radio for a while I wasn't replacing any windows with duct tape either!!!

The reason I lock my house door? To keep the wind from blowing it open, or the dog from pushing it open.

None of the windows are locked. ever.
We have NEVER locked our house. Even when we stayed in the "city" for 6 weeks. Our DS was in an accident so we lived in our camper in the hospital parking lot. When we got back we realized all of our extra vehicles had the keys in them! We NEVER take them out either. You never know when someone may need it!
We do that!!!! We don't waste a CRUMB around here, and that includes any food that I pay for! I've looked longingly at what others leave too! I can't believe the waste!

I've even pulled stuff out of public trash cans and given it to my birds!

same here...can i get in troble? If i get yelled at i will beat them....the popo ofcoruse.
I get gloves, wheelbarrows, chain nippers, sometimes riding boots, Wall outside work clothes..if someone doesn't understand why I don't want diamonds, silk shirts and perfume, I buy them for myself--I ask them if they have a hobby, like golf? Golfers want clubs, tees, golfer clothing, etc.
It's pretty much the same thing, ya know.
You know you are Country when you own more hunting rifles then shoes.

You know you are country when being the lady that I am I can out shoot any of my hubby's friends.

You know you are country when you totaly agree with everyone that said the best way to potty train your boy is outside.

You know you are country when you start off your list of animals with chickens, ducks, ect then go all the way down the list until you get the regular animals in there dogs and cats.

You know you are country when the only time your house is locked is when everyone is inside. (I think I already read that one..40+ pages it's hard to remember

You know you are country when the closest Walmart is over an hour away.
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you know you're country when.....

you used to not have to lock the house until the neighbors son decided to become a crackhead and steals the other neighbors tractor, drives it thru the fence out the back 40, rams into rocks, gets out, runs, steals another neighbors truck, takes the cops on a 3 county 100 mph car chase, totals truck, runs, gets eaten up by K9's, winds up in hospital then prison.

Now have sign posted at fence:
Tresspassers will be shot- Survivors will be shot again!

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