You Know your Addicted When???? (Game)

You know you are addicted when......

the eggs in the incubator still have a week before hatch date and you have already got the next batch of eggs planned to go in..
You know you are addicted when......

You say lovingly, "You're such a good chicken," to your boyfriend, your dog, your cats, your mother....
When you always say if you won the lotto you'd but a house on a farm and chickens+coop+supplies!!!!!(And a horse stable and horses for bro,of course)

If you want a box of baby chicks for Christmas.
When you look at a dresser and see a brooder box (if I just remove the drawers and .... )
and you see a mini frig at a g sale and think incubator.... No cage or peice of wire is safe... You are an addict
When it rains and you let your Thanksgiving turkeys huddle on your porch out of the rain (and it gets poopy!)

Why don't they stay in the barn where it's nice and dry???

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