You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

If your spouse owns at least one of these.

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Nice! :clap
She doesn't dislike them, she's just very nervous near them.

Hmm, she definitely :love:love the "porgs" in The Last Jedi though, maybe I should get a couple more chicks...? :rolleyes:
Yeah, get her some chicks she can cuddle an hold... Maybe that would help get more comfortable with them! :fl
I totally went to a grocery store with an egg in my pocket!!!

When I pulled it out in the produce aisle, I was like, "Dude! No Way!"

And my husband grabbed the egg and said, "Run! RUN!!"

You know you're a BYCO when... You are stupid enough to tell your parents you need more chickens when you have 30 and think they're just gonna get ya some. I've done this and when they say no I just don't understand. lol. I get it now.

You know you're a BYCO when... You're friends ask what fun is to you and you saying mucking coops, running warm water in buckets during winter, and sitting with you're chickens.

You know you're a BYCO when... You're crowing like a rooster and a car stops to ask if Ilm a chicken... This actually happened to me.
When your sister knows she found the perfect birthday present for you. Yes, my sister sent me these t-shirts for my birthday. :clap
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Your sister knows you well! My family doesn't buy me chicken oriented clothes and stuff.... They're afraid it'll make my chicken obsession worse..:lau
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When your Christmas gift to yourself is this :D
You too?? I need a chicken shirt!:lau

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