You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

When you pick up your daughter from preschool & her teacher (who also raises chickens) asks how your birds are doing in this cold (amidst curious looks & odd stares from other parents picking up their preschoolers). The stares just get more bold & the other parents confusion grows when she asks you if you know how to treat a yeast infection in a hen, then pulls out her phone to show you pics & get your opinion! :eek: :gig Just another day in the life of a suburban chicken keeper!
When you are outside, in your jammies, in the middle of the night with a flash light, trying to figure out what the odd sounding creatures are in the trees around your coop... because they wouldn't be there if they didn't want a chicken dinner.

When you go out the next day and buy a 18V rechargeable Ryobi Hi-Beam flood light so you'll be ready the next time the tree creatures come back looking for chicken dinner. That thing will light up my entire yard, and shine into the next county!

When you do a flood light check of the yard every night before going to bed.
When your sister’s teacher says to your mom: “Your daughter has such a vast knowledge of chickens”. I kid you not this happened after my sister’s history teacher asked if anyone in class knew where Andalusia was and my sister said, “Oh that’s easy, Andalusia is in Spain.” And her stunned teacher asked her how she knew that, and my sister said, “ We have a splash Andalusian pullet, and my brother read up on them.”
ETA: When the kids a couple houses over ask for an egg and when your dad gives them one you flip out because you’re (read I am) extremely possessive of the eggs that your pullets/hens lay because you’ve sworn off eating store bought eggs.

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