You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

When its evening and raining and you remember your diehard broodies who are probably still out on their eggless nest instead of taking shelter and you go rescue them, sacrificing a good towel to dry them off because you gave the guinea pigs the old ones. We only broke them out of their broodiness a few weeks ago :barnie

They usually share a nest with a muscovy diehard broody too
When you are outside, in your jammies, in the middle of the night with a flash light, trying to figure out what the odd sounding creatures are in the trees around your coop... because they wouldn't be there if they didn't want a chicken dinner.

When you go out the next day and buy a 18V rechargeable Ryobi Hi-Beam flood light so you'll be ready the next time the tree creatures come back looking for chicken dinner. That thing will light up my entire yard, and shine into the next county!

When you do a flood light check of the yard every night before going to bed.
Or when you take the dogs out and think you see something over by the chicken coop (which is at least 300 ft away from the house) so you run inside and get your flashlight to shine it out the window to get a better look at the chicken coop. Or go back outside and shine the flashlight to see the coop and the surrounding area - even though if there was something there, the dogs would have alerted to it. Lol
When your husband is in the middle of cooking his breakfast and then looks over and asks, "You didn't cook anything weird for the chickens in this skillet, did you?"
Your response: "Well, there was a smashed frozen egg in the bedding that I didn't want to"

That's what he gets for asking the question. :gig

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