You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

When you go out of town for a week at Christmas time and find out that you missed a call from the young man taking care of the house (chickens and fish) at 5:00 pm. It's now 9:45 pm, you text him and find out one of the hens is missing. You tell him, she probably just flew out of the run (because there are two hens who can get over the 4' fencing) and is roosting in the bushes. You also ask him to go back with a flashlight to look and be sure.

Meanwhile back at the hotel you're crying your eyes out because you just know she had to have gotten out of the yard and into the neighbor's yard, or got hurt, or eaten. You just know you'll never see her again. Then you hear back that the chicken still can't be found.

The next morning you get a text that says, "All the chickens are here. It's a Christmas miracle." And you cry your eyes out again because you're so relieved!

We fixed the fencing as soon as we got home. It's now 7' high and there are still the same two hens who can get over it!!!
I had a fence 10' high and 14 week old chicks were flying out so I had to string chicken wire over the top.
Careful what you wish for, since people found out I rescued all those Ducks we have ended up with a wide variety of dump and run animals in the driveway. Including a snake:lau:gig:rant:rant:barnie

TBH I would LOVE that. I love animals and have owned everything from dogs to tarantulas and snakes, chickens, rabbits, fancy birds, ferrets... I'd take em. XD

And if I didn't want them, that's what craigslist and local rescues are for.

I just can't have cats. Too many people who are allergic.

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