You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

Or you just raise your chickens in your basement, like 3 roosters, so the cops don't hear them crowing. Seriously I know a lady who does this
I once had to live in town with a family member for about a month and my roosters lived in the garage. Our neighbors closest to the garage knew we had them but they were super nice and liked the sound even though it was super muted. The neighbor who lived on the other side of us asked if we had roosters because his dog likes to chase chickens and we can’t have them for “our” safety. We said no, and there’s a leash law so keep your dog out of my fence and I’ll keep my chickens in their coop.
I also had a Pyrenees pup at the time who was a bit bigger than his gsd but only about 4 months old. He hated that dog and would run up to the fence and bark like a real dog. (My mom heard him bark once and she couldn’t believe our cute puppy could sound like that)

On another note! You know you’re a backyard chicken owner when you go to a chicken auction for 6 hours looking for one particular breed.
When the chicken auction turns into the produce auction and you contemplate staying to buy your chickens a bushel of string beans etc.
When you have sealed boxes of cereal dedicated to just be for the chicken treats.
When you tell your family members they have personality and they don’t believe you.
When you get super excited for the first egg of the year and give them all treats for being good girls.
When you bring said egg in and bring it to your room because they don’t need to be refrigerated.
When you bring a sickly rooster in the house and bathe him, and keep him in your room for a week or two just to make sure he’s doing better.
And lastly.
When you constantly check the coop for a new egg because you know ones getting ready to.
When you stumble on this thread and have to read all 96 pages (stopping in the middle to let the girls out) because you are laughing with, (not at) all of them, and recognize yourself in at least 2/3 of them. I once took a pocket egg out of town with me, luckily it didn't break before I found it. Put in a safe spot, brought it home and cooked it up.
I have lots of nice grass. The backyard's full covered ( mostly) in green stuff and the front lawn is lush and green ( mostly) despite chickens feasting on it, horses grazing, trotting and pooping on it.

:pop Do tell how you manage this.......

Is it because you are in Ireland and get actual rain???

I am in a semi arid (read as desert) area. I haven't seen grass in quite some time here.
:pop Do tell how you manage this.......

Is it because you are in Ireland and get actual rain???

I am in a semi arid (read as desert) area. I haven't seen grass in quite some time here.
I wish I was in Ireland. Completely. Nope, I live in the average Midwest of the United states where spring refuses to come. I guess I don't have enough chickens to make an effect. I need more than 15! To be honest, in July the lawn can get a little yellow, but it helps when I forget to turn off the hose after filling the duck pool and it creates a ducky paradise for 2 hours.
I wish I was in Ireland. Completely. Nope, I live in the average Midwest of the United states where spring refuses to come. I guess I don't have enough chickens to make an effect. I need more than 15! To be honest, in July the lawn can get a little yellow, but it helps when I forget to turn off the hose after filling the duck pool and it creates a ducky paradise for 2 hours.

;) Then we can pretend together.... You in Ireland and me getting actual helpful rain. :D

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