You know you're addicted to chickens when...

You can't tear yourself away from this &%^$* Chicken Forum!!!
You show your tons of chicken pictures before you even think to show your children's. lol people think I'm talking about my kids till they see fuzzy butts
You know you're addicted to chickens when your students give them more Christmas gifts than they give you!

You know you're addicted to chickens when you buy your chickens more Christmas gifts than your teenage son!

You know you're addicted to chickens when you recieve a nice piece of jewelry and your first thought is: "ohhhh it's sparkly,,, the chickens will love it!"
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When you buy your chickens food and make them a better hot breakfaast then anyone else in your family lol. Hubby complains that they eat better then he does hehe
LOL i do that for dinner, the other night I made them rice and vegtables, and then oatmeal, and then some baked potatos, and burritos. LOL they love burritos

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