You know you're addicted to chickens when...

When you sit patiently waiting for your chicken's vet appointment surrounded by dog and cat owners with smirks on their faces and it doesn't bother you. Then you take her back two weeks later for her follow up visit.
When you had to work really late and get up really early but first you have to go online to check BYC even though it means you wont' get near enough sleep!

When it's so cold that your turkeys huddle around your front door on your porch in the evening instead of their tree-roost and you "understand" what this means in turkey language and so you obligingly escort them into the warmth of the chicken house, which is what they really wanted in the first place.

When you buy Chicken Poop brand lip gloss for all your friends at Christmas and think it's really hilarious.

When you go out to the chicken house in 10 degree weather in your good office clothes and collect all 6 little chicks from underneath their momma so you can bring them into the warm house for the night, yet you lock the house cat up in her room so she won't bother the warming chickies.

(did all of these tonight).
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You know your addicted when you constantly talk about chickens to anyone who will listen and your eyes glaze over with the love you feel for your girlies...........and you notice that people walk quickly past your property just so you don't stop them to talk about how wonderful your girls are and the amount of eggs they are laying lately...............oh and just look at this egg that one of my girls just laid and its still warm....and people think you are "egg-centric"
You know your addicted when your kids get gifts that have chickens on them but they automatically decide that they will give their gift to you as soon as they see you. One of mine did that last night
When your in bed and your wife says "Honey It's fun night!" you knock her out of the bed in a whirlwind of excitement, scrambling to the coop with a jar of earthworms!
When you start asking for chicken saddles to be made little bit more fancy to dress them up...I had a lady who wanted her chicken saddles to be decorated with extra fancy stuff to make her hens look so perty! and had to add a D ring to the saddle w matching leashes so she could walk her hens at the park...
Hope she don't go to a dog park??
When you get funny looks at the office,because your telling your co-worker about your large cock.

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