You may be a country gal if . . .

You are a country gal if you get a shot gun or fishing pole for a birthday/Christmas. That is what my DH got me the first several years during our marriage. Now I get a riding lawn mower or new parts/ seats for it.
Now that is a present!! I like something I can use. I don't do the spit though.
You are a true country 'Mother' if you let your kids (toddlers that suck fingers/thumbs) fall over into the mud and they put their fingers back in their mouth. It usually happened before I could get to them. And NO, I didn't do the spit method do wash them off. Gross but still funny!
Is it bad when you tell stories of "when i was a kid we didnt have a sidewalk" and there are actual pics to proof it? WE got sidewalk back in 83 along with phone lines.
Our 11 month old daughter's room is at the end of the house, My hubby stayed home with her Sat, so I could go to the auction. I got home and he said he cheated - baby was fussy - so he put her in her crib and went out and fed the chickens in front of her window.

Yes - it worked.
She really likes on warm days to go outside in a playpen and watch the ducks and turkeys.
Works great - I can let her enjoy being outside while at the same time get to be outside myself and get something done.

You gotta love country living.

Our 9 yr old is alot more mature than some adults and she doesn't mind telling them about how things work on the farm.
Is it bad when you tell stories of "when i was a kid we didnt have a sidewalk" and there are actual pics to proof it? WE got sidewalk back in 83 along with phone lines.

We are painfully short on sidewalks here. Close to none at all in the neighborhoods, only main streets.
Gotta share this....

A friend of mine knocked on the front door and I told her to come on in. She was about to give me lecture about having the front door unlocked without DH being home.....until she walked into the living room. There I was on the couch, with my BR hen sitting on lap having her crop massaged (she has sour crop).
She (a city girl) about pooped herself!
She figures if someone was going to break-in that they would see me with the chicken and walk back out. I love the country life!

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