You May Call Us Rodents or Vermin, But You Dont Know Us Yet - The RP(Role Play)

Charlotte nodded. "I am."

Xavier nodded. "Okay! Here we go!" He stuck his wings straight out and did a running take off. After all, it was more plane like. He even did the engine sound. At the last minute, he jumped up into the air and started flapping his wings normally. "Where to, are we headed for the oak or back to mischief?" He asked curiously.
Saratoga smiled and crawled down the branch to where the branch connected to the tree. She nestled down and fluffed, she felt awful broody but sadly hadn't any eggs to set. But the feeling quickly passed and she lay there and waited for them

Solander and Lena flew up to the branch that Saratoga was on. Lena climbed down off Solander and walked over to her. "How are you feeling? Are you still in pain?" She asked concerned.

Solander cackled out helpfully,"You be needing something, you no be scared to, I mean ask." He finished.
Solander and Lena flew up to the branch that Saratoga was on. Lena climbed down off Solander and walked over to her. "How are you feeling? Are you still in pain?" She asked concerned.

Solander cackled out helpfully,"You be needing something, you no be scared to, I mean ask." He finished.

Saratoga smiled, it wasn't bad having friends care for you but she wanted to pay them back by helping them but sadly couldn't. "Yes I'm fine, and no thank you I don't need anything, thank you though." She told them
Saratoga smiled, it wasn't bad having friends care for you but she wanted to pay them back by helping them but sadly couldn't. "Yes I'm fine, and no thank you I don't need anything, thank you though." She told them

Lena sat on the branch next to Saratoga and softly stroked her feathers, in a reassuring, friendly way.

Solander nodded and smiled at her. He then looked out over the park and watched the kids playing.
Saratoga purred(kinda if you want to call it that) under Lena' s soft touch. She liked the petting. "Why are humans so cruel?" She asked herself." Out loud
Saratoga purred(kinda if you want to call it that) under Lena' s soft touch. She liked the petting. "Why are humans so cruel?" She asked herself." Out loud

Lena thought a moment then said, "The see us as beneath them. So they can do whatever they want to us. That's just my thoughts on the matter."

Solander cackled sadly as he remembered his brother. "Lex didn't deserve the cruel death that human gave him." He said as he looked at his feet to hide his sadness.
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Saratoga sighed. "I mean how would they like it if I pointed a gun at them for just existing! Or throwing rocks at them because I think they are a pain. They don't know us they don't know our lives!" She said, who was Lex. She hadn't heard of him "I'm sorry for your brother solander.." She told him

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