You might be a crazy chicken lady/gent if...Go on, post yours!

farmin'chick :

if you keep a nearly grown Golden Comet rooster in the house because he doesn't WANT to go to the chick house, dammit! and he drinks coke out of YOUR can and bobs for ice cubes in your iced tea, rides on your shoulder in public, rides in the car and you think that's NORMAL.....

I have 6 chickens staying in the house at the moment. And I keep chicken food in the car for when they go for a ride with us. Went to get my car's wheel fixed at a garage in a nearby town. One of the mechanics came over and asked how my chicken's doing? Our local butcher used to feed one of my chicks whenever we popped into his shop. On the counter... One of my best moments was when someone commented on my phone's ringtone and my husband pulled a chick out of his pocket. I will never forget her face.

But the people who ask me what kind of bird it is. Uh... Chicken? You've never seen a baby chicken before? That's strange.
Don't worry, we're normal. It's the rest of the world's that's crazy..​
I realized last night that I have spent the last 2 independence days working with chicken projects. 2 years ago, we processed our first birds on July 4th. Last year I spent the day building the coop for my grow out/rooster fattening pen. As soon as I go out today I will be building the coop for my breeding pen!
Some things are just more important than blowing stuff up. I'd rather be with my chickens.
You might be a crazy chicken lady when your family is asking...where's mom, and someone answers..go check the coop or the egg room as they call it.
Oh...and yeah, I just might be in the laundry room!
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Oh I love all you guys! You make the world more NORMAL!

I take Lulu travelling with me and after a few double takes people warm up to the idea of a travelling chicken. I have great conversations with strangers in parking lots and rest stops where I lulu out for a break.

We went to a wedding recently and Lulu was along (she stayed in the van) but people at the wedding kept coming out to the parking lot to see her. If fact when we were saying goodbye to the bride and groom they came out to meet her since they had heard about her.

The more we behave in this NORMAL manner, the more people become accepting of chickens. So take a bow - all you CHICKEN AMBASSADORS TO THE WORLD!!
That is soo take your chicken out into the world with you! Diapers??

Thought I better edit...I mean...chicken diapers?
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That is soo take your chicken out into the world with you! Diapers??

Thought I better edit...I mean...chicken diapers?

Nope. She has her own sheets and towels I take along for her to sit on. Because she is lame she doesn't move too far, too fast. My DS also made a small roost that she sleeps on and I take it with me as well. I also have a travel kit for her - toilet paper, ziplock baggies, and hand sanitizer - a regular pooper-scooper kit.
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You might just be a crazy chicken lady if:

today you played Johnny Cash full blast while fireworks were going off so the chicks wouldn't be frightened.

yesterday your sick little girl was worried that the chicks might get the flu because of her.

the day before you made little kissy noises at the "babies" and they all came running to snuggle in your lap.

on occasion you call your child by the name of your chicken and vise versa.

last week you told your little girl to "come here for a pony tail so syrup doesn't tangle her feathers." (TRUE! I'd only had ONE cup of coffee and it was VERY EARLY!)

a friend starts off a conversation about her very cute baby and you quietly think to yourself, "well, at least I don't have diapers to change. Oh .. yes I do."
I have to amend this with Guinea.... Your home is 60 miles away and you talk your mom into allowing you to raise 45 guinea keets in the garage. Just till they are big enough to put in the coop.
Her Residential garage will never be the same....
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