You Wickedly Cool Trendsetters You!


Overrun with Drakes
12 Years
Jun 8, 2007
Kitsap County, WA
So my husband is always telling me that I always do things before they become trendy. Of course, only the really cool trendy things.

Guess what? You are all part of what seems to be the next cool trendy thing . . . raising poultry! But, hey, you knew that already.

Someone recently posted here that they thought raising chickens was becoming more popular, so I was thinking about that yesterday and then I saw . . . . . . . an article about raising chickens is Horticulture (!) magazine. I don't know about you, but I consider Horti-mag (as I call it) to be pretty prim and proper plant . . . uh . . . plantography. Anyway, imagine my surprise to see an article recommending chicken husbandry.

Not only that, but there was a brief tidbit about how ducks are even better garden buddies.
Which, I have to laugh over, because it isn't necessarily true. If you have a small yard, ducks can do just as much damage as a free-ranging chicken.

I only have two complaints about the article:
1. The author mentions cleaning the coop with a mask. Um, ok. Am I alone in non-compliance on that one?
2. NO MENTION OF THE BYC FORUM. This author is definitely not kickin' it with the cool kids.
I have never considered myself trendy or a trendsetter! How great is that, that I am now considered for the title!?

I do clean the coop with a bandana tied over my nose and mouth most times or I just pull the collar of my shirt over. All that dust flying...

And I have to agree, BYC is the coolest there is.
Interesting, silkhope, I guess because I only have experience with ducks, I'm not used to encountering a lot of dry dust. Ducks keep everything a little less than dry (though not necessarily damp per se).

Enjoy it while it lasts, silkhope! I have found that by not trying to be trendy, I often stumble down the hole without even knowing it.

I suspect there will be a spike in interest and then we'll go back to those who love poultry and those who don't.
i for 1 dont raise cattle or poultry tobe cool or trendy.i do it because its a way of i dont intend to ever have an off farm job.
Does that mean that there will be need for lots of chicken rescues when the fad followers realize they can't dress up and cart around their chickens like they do chiahauhau? I was in the pet store yesterday and notice that they now sport clothing racks...for dog attire!
I hate fads, chickens will do nothing but suffer if they become trendy.
Yeah, wegotchickens, adults can never be cool.

I think not trying is somehow an integral part of being cool (but that's the part the kids don't understand . . . sshhhh!)
I agree, Portia. Everything that becomes trendy tends to become irrational and/or just plain inane.

Maybe the "dirty chicken" phobias will keep the silly people away?
Too funny. But we knew we are COOL!

I clean with a mask now, at least most of the time. I think I inhaled too much of the dust once, and wound up with respiratory problems for a while. It was better after using a respirator or dust mask.

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