I had the same hawk for months show up 3 or 4 times a day. He would sit on my pole light, which happens to be next to my chicken coop, and watch for an opportunity to grab a chicken, or a mole.
I do have a covered run so I wasn't too concerned except that I couldn't let my birds out to forage.
One day I realized I hadn't seen my hawk in a while but just figured he'd moved on where he could get an easy meal.
Next day he showed up again. BUT not for long.
Approx. 6 crows (3 pairs) had made nests in the trees bordering the back of my property. If the hawk now comes within a mile the crows raise holy heck and run him off. The Mockingbirds are close behind chasing both the Crows AND the hawk.
I actually had considered shooting crows as there are getting to be so many. Not anymore. I throw them a couple hands full of scratch now just to encourage them to stick around. They don't/haven't bothered my chickens at all and are actually earning their keep by keeping the hawks and, to an extent, the vultures away.
Yes that is what crows are good for. I have thought about shooting them to because they go into my coop and eat all the chickens food but hey they chase those mean old hawks and once i even caught them chasing an owl away from the coop just before the sun went down!!!!!!
I had three of Mr. Rumpled's great great great great great grandchicks screaming the other morning...I was like shut your beaks...but they were all looking in my Rhododendron which is right outside my dining room window...and there was Master Red Tail looking out at the all you can eat buffet...aka my feeder...I apologized to the bluejays for making a racket. As soon as MRT saw me he took off...
Too bad one of the little buggers fooled me the other day...I heard the Redtail and it sounded like he was in the was one of Mr. Rumpled's relatives making the sound. No wonder the other birds were ignoring the sound.I was the only idjit freaking out.
Last summer I watched a number of artic terns attack an eagle that was trying to make a snack of a Mom duck and her babies. The eagle would dive, the ducks would go underwater and the terns would strike at the eagle who eventually gave up and left without his duck dinner.
I've seen it happen with crows a couple of times and was absolutely amazed that they would band together to chase off a hawk. I guess that's why they call it a "murder of crows".
I guess our chickens aren't the only birds we need to pamper now
I have a local hawk that lives in the woods next to my property. Everytime I see him he is being tailed by a mockingbird. They absolutely keep him away. They also eat all my tomatoes off the plants. I figure if I get 1 out of 5 tomatoes and I get to keep my chickens that's a good deal for me and them.

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