young birds dying


12 Years
Dec 16, 2011
Ft. Lonesome, FL - 2 chicken years
About a week ago, we lost 2 8-12 week old birds (barnevelder, partridge pennedesenca, cuckoo marans, easter eggers). Since then, we have lost a bird or two about every other day. I don't see any diarrhea, but they appear dehydrated, then they get lethargic, then go to sleep and die. I know chickens don't vomit, but one of them urped up some clear fluid. We have coccidia medicine in their water. Anyone have any ideas?
There are so many different kinds of worms. Sometimes you dont even no they got any. Try giving them some Apple cider vinegar and that should get rid of any worm . But make sure your whole flock drinks it x

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