Young chicken question ...

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

Fluffy Feather Farm
12 Years
Jan 26, 2010
Texas, Panhandle
I have a blue cochin mix bantam hen, and she isn't old enough to start laying yet, but she has been going into one of the nesting boxes and she just sits in the nest like she's gonna lay an egg??? Is she just trying to do it because she see's the other hens going in there or what?
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Who really knows after all she is a chicken.

They do imitate other chickens, also they will seek out a place where others aren't likely to bother them.
She is just doing what chickens do, imitating the others and even if the others aren't bothering her she may still be trying to stay away from them.
Will she start laying when she is 5 months old? Okay, thanks alot! I think she slept in the nest, because when I when out there to check on the last night she was in the nesting box!!!!
This is directly from a site operated by folks who raise cochin bantams:

hens will begin to lay eggs at about six months of age. The young hen's first eggs will be small, but will increase to regular size within a few months. The hen will lay eggs throughout most of her life. However, a hen's peak egg production years are between 1 and 2 years of age. Egg production will slowly decline after about two years of age.
Thanks! So in another 2 months she will start laying.
Thanks alot!!!
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This may not be typical, but my standard size Blue Cochin JUST started laying at 11 months and 11 days old. I've heard from others that Cochins can be slow to develop. Good luck. Hopefully your girl is practicing on the nest box and she will give you some eggs soon!
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