young chicks going outside in new pen...??


Invincible Summer
12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
Hi, we're in NJ-in the middle of a heat wave. I've got 2 big brooder boxes in my garage with chicks of all ages from less than 1 week to about a month (5 weeks old.) For the months old ones especially, is it ok to move them out to the new pen now? It has lots of shade, a tree for coolness, and air flow, unlike the hot garage they are in now all cramped up in their brooder box. Will they need a light on at night-time, even if its over 75 or 80 at night? For the younger ones, esp the 1-2 weekers, I'll leave them in the box for now.

I think you should be ok with putting the older ones out as long as the temps. stay up at night. I always keep a light on in the coop 25 watts, I think mine are trained when the light goes on it is time for bed.

I think with the temps. going up and staying that way, you should be able to move them out sooner then if the temps were cooler and having to wait till they were fully feathered.

Thanks Ray- anyone else care to chime it? I"m ready to boot them out there- I feel they would be so much more comfy outdoors- I forgot to say the tree is really a tall flowering bush tree- so its got lots of thin branches and leaves down low...the pen is covered though too, so they can't get out.
Leave the younger ones in and take the older ones out. You don't mention a coop, just a pen; so be extra sure it's predator-proof. My chicks were in a heated building for their first two weeks, then we moved them to the screened porch when it got too hot during the daytime in the shed. When they no longer needed a light for heat, they adjusted to the change from daytime to nighttime without too much fuss. They didn't necessarily like it at first, but they did adjust. I didn't provide a light.
Anything 3 weeks and up will be fine in the coop, it is warm enough now. They no longer require heat. If it gets cold they will keep each other warm by cuddling in close at night.
My chicks are 3 weeks old and we just moved them outside. We live in Florida and it is horribly hot here right now. They were in the garage and never went under their light because it was so hot in there they didn't use it. They have a 2 story cage that is secured with hardware wire and we put the cage in a empty stall in the barn. They do not have a light and are doing really good. When I go out in the morning to feed they are all perched and not on top of each other so I assume they are not cold, but it is really humid here so I don't worry about them being too cold! If you have a secure place for the older ones I would do it if you feel comfortable about it.
Thanks all- there is no coop per se in that pen, but it is built between 2 sheds, so solid wall are on both sides, with open wire wall on the ends. The one end looks into our adult pen, and the other end has that little bush/tree at it. So I've put a 4X4 pc of plywood down on the ground in there, and leaned a 4X6 pc of plywood up against the one shed wall, and blocked the one open end with smaller pcs of plywood so just one end is open (a triangular end) for now;until we build them an acutal small coop in that pen. It'll be for my silkies/polish/cochins eventually. But for now, just a juvenile pen...

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