Young cockerel gets henpecked!


Dogwood Trace Farm
8 Years
Jun 3, 2011
Middle Tennessee
I had to laugh yesterday at our 16-week old EE cockerel. He's been crowing and strutting around and trying to mount as many of the hens as possible. There is one hen - an ancona - that is at the top of the pecking order and is very stand-offish. I was quite certain that she would never let him near her. So I was out in the pen changing the water when I hear a ruckus near me. I glance over and Leroy, the cockerel, is mating the ancona. He finishes and hops off, and she turns around and starts pecking at him. She seemed furious. He's bigger than she is - but she totally chased him off. He didn't seem to mind, though, since he'd gotten what he'd wanted.

It was funnier at the time than it seems now that I'm writing it out. Maybe you had to be there.
Chicken TV is almost always fascinating.

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