Young duckling was very hot and acting drunk


May 25, 2021
Hello I have a young duckling I just got a few weeks ago. He was fine a few hours ago and I just went out to check on them and he was on his back having a hard time getting up. I got him up and his feet and legs and feet seem fine but he’s super wobbly and falls over. His body is super hot and it was very hot here today. I spoke with my vet and she seemed to think it was heat stroke or something to that nature. She’s had me doing cool baths with a cool towel wrapped around him afterwards with a light fan. He’s eating and drinking fine, his stool is a little runny but looks normal. He seems to be doing a little better, any suggestions??
:welcome Try to keep him out of overly hot situations. In my experience, once 'heat stroked' animals are more likely to overheat again. Good luck.

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