Young, not-laying quail can't stand up! Help!


Jul 13, 2020
I got quails recently, they are kept outside in a cage with wooden foor, on straw. They have never laid an egg. This morning i found out that one quail (the biggest one) started to lay a lot and can't get up on straight legs. All she does is "walking" with her knees (i think those are knees) touching the floor. She's the biggest quail that i have. Outside, it is about 50 F degrees. The ill quail closes her eyes sometimes and doesn't seem like walking. I put a short bowl with water in there so she can drink and put some feed on the feeders base so she can eat from it. What can i do?
And there is one rooster that is crowing but not mating yet but i am afraid that he may mate her or with females bully her.
Definitely seperate her from him. How many quail do you have? Japanese/Coturnix quail I presume... Can you post a photo? She is eating and drinking, right?
I have 3 quail females and one rooster, those are japanese quails. I don't know if she's eating and drinking but i gave her this small bowl with water and plate with feed. She's isolated now. I will post the photo in a minute
How long has she been this way? If you feel around her vent gently, do you feel an egg in there?
Yesterday she was fine. I doubt that shes egg bound as she made 3 poops today. I put her in the building with a lamp above her becasue she was shaking outside. She isn't shaking now. Unfrortunatelly i got no special lamp and this one makes the cage bright but at least warm.

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