Young Or Old Rooster

I Love Layers

5 Years
Apr 25, 2015
I am restarting my flock next year, and I am getting 40 hens and 4 roosters. Currently I have 3 free range roosters who I absolutely adore, they all take really good care of the hens, and winter well.

RJ 2 years

Buckbeak 1 year in November. RJs son

Iggy 1 year in November RJs son

I also have a 2 1/2 month old cockerel who is also RJ's son.

I only want to keep 1 of the above roosters... Does age affect fertility or the ability to protect the hens?
What's the pros and cons of keeping an older or a younger rooster.
Which rooster would you guys keep? Just looking for opinions or suggestions
You already know the temperaments of these roosters. Why not keep all of them instead of getting new roosters of unknown temperament?
You already know the temperaments of these roosters.  Why not keep all of them instead of getting new roosters of unknown temperament?

Cause counting my 3 banties I'm keeping I would have 10 rooster 40 hens. And my parents said no more then 5 big roosters
Yes, but that's 6 years and upwards. A two-year old is most likely going to be the best breeder. He knows what he's doing.
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Cause counting my 3 banties I'm keeping I would have 10 rooster 40 hens. And my parents said no more then 5 big roosters

If the roosters you have are nice, just wonder why you are choosing the new unknown ones over the ones whose temperaments you know? What if the new ones turn out to have problem temperaments and are nasty?
  If the roosters you have are nice, just wonder why you are choosing the new unknown ones over the ones whose temperaments you know?  What if the new ones turn out to have problem temperaments and are nasty?

I'm starting a new breeding program and don't want crossbred chicks
Well, for sure you don't want to keep any of RJ's sons because they're already crossbreds. That kind of narrows things down, doesn't it? Are all your hens the same breed as RJ? If not, how are you going to keep him from breeding them? Separate him and the hens that are the same breed from the rest of the flock?
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