Young rouen drake going through the change (Almost done!)

Love the thread! Your drake is handsome Zilla! I need help from you and I figured you'd be expert help since you have rouens.

I have a week and a half old female rouen baby which I ordered her online so I KNOW she's a girl since I specified it. (I must add that I LOVE her! So sweet!) Anyway, I don't know whether she is exhibition or production and I don't think the website specified ( - is there one type that is more common here in the states than the other?
Also, how long does it really take a rouen to get to full size? I have found some say 6-8 months where some say a year and half (is that dependent on the exhibition/production type?)

Thanks much!
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They will be feathered out and sexually mature at 6-8 months, but it takes a year or more until they are totally "filled out".

Since your duck most likely came from a hatchery, it will be a production rouen.

I sold Bungie a while back. I wanted to concentrate on egg layers so I now have mostly Welsh Harlequins. Bungie got a new home out east and has some mallard girlfriends now
So Happy to have found this thread Wifezilla! My friend and I are new to ducks We both bought 1 rouen. I also bought 2 kacki cambells 1 runner and 2 blue Swedish. I wish I would have gotten more rouens thou bummer! Any way they are 4 wks old and looking very female. So I started looking for ages of feather developmentand found your thread. I saw a little green sheen in the sun today on Daffy So I have hope now that he is a HE!
His Head is very dark now that I have been looking at young ducks. I will post a pic hopefully tomorrow! Thanks for all the pics and great info!
I ended up selling Bungie to concentrate on Welsh Harlequins and other heavy egg laying breeds. He was a very handsome duck and went to a woman with a bunch of female mallards.

Rouen ducks are very pretty, I just wanted to keep those high qty egg laying genes in my flock.
Thanks for posting all the pics everyone. I've been quite curious about the Rouens and kind of wanting a pair, but they would be quite a contrast to my Runners. I LOVE the striking lacing on the females' feathers though and their cute heads. (My duck passion is a bit like my passion for dogs used to be - seems I wanted to have more different breeds than I would ever have room for. One day it's Hookbills, then Blue Swedes, then Harlequins ...)

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