Your Best Excuses for Getting Out of Jury Duty

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I've only been summoned once, but I go just so I can hopefully get a shot at seeing some of the folks that end up going to a juried trial. I've not been selected to be on a jury however, but have been there for the selection process by the attorneys people.

I figure it's like voting - takes time out of my day, doesn't feel like it accomplishes much, but it's one of my rights as a US citizen, and by golly, I'm going to exercise it!
Last summons I got I was in Iraq, so that one won't work for you.

My sister always gets out of it by talking about this one cousin that's been convicted of everything under the sun relating to theft, drugs, and I don't know what all. "Do you know a fellon?" they ask. Somehow, she's never selected.

This particular cousin is pritty roundly despised by our side of the family (she's a complete clepto and has stolen from everyone she could, and I'm not just talking a few bucks). The other side are complete enablers. My sis has seen her all of about three times in the last ten years as this cousin lives in a different state. So even though she has next to zero contact with this cousin, just listing out the list of things she's been convicted of somehow gets Sis off the jury block. Something about emotional transmittal I think. Her experiences could 'pre dispose' her against the defendants.

But that only works when you're being interviewed for the selection, in which case you're already missing at least one day of work.

Hope this helps...
I have medical issues, so I just get a Dr's note. Of course you can just walk in and say "He's guilty! I know it! Throw him away for live!"
I've been summoned twice and not picked either time for the jury after a half day of answering the stupid questions. I was sure I would be picked because I'm in the minority in this county I'm in, in that I have no criminal record or Meth-head friends. So I'm not related or friends with the criminal element. I may not have been picked due to that long gray braided ponytail, military tattoo and gold hoop earring I have. ---go figger?
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Well, I'm usually not a spoil-sport but here's the thing....

It's different in every state. In Texas, the list is a combination of the voters registration list in the county and the list of names and addresses from the drivers license department of the Department of Public Safety for those listed in that county. Each year, after receiving these lists, the Secretary of State's office combines the lists, throws out the duplicates and that list is sent back to the county for input into their jury system; usually a computer program.

You may wonder how I, miss smart a$$$, know this; well, I'm the one that pushes the button that causes the computer software to scramble the names and pull the list of jurors for any given day (in my county). I'm the one that has to listen to the excuses (that are not on the summons) so I've heard just about everything. And by the way, they aren't 'picking' you; they are eliminating the ones they don't want and whoever is left over (in seating order) is who is on the jury. It is just as important to be there to be eliminated. And Texas even lets you postpone your jury duty if you get summoned at an inconvenient time, so..

Now with that said, I know that having to interrupt your schedule is an inconvenience. If you are a sole proprietor, it is more so. But assuming you are not in the military, it is the ONE THING that your country requires of you. Just show up for jury duty and do your part in keeping the USA free. Just show up. You don't have to pick up a gun and guard a perimiter. You don't have to watch your buddy be medi-vaced because of a roadside bomb. You don't have to see your newborn for the first time by webcam over the internet...just show up for jury duty. In comparison, it really isn't that bad, is it?
DH has explained to me what happens... jury duty around here isn't just one case all the time... they'll make you sit there all day and listen to dozens in some cases.

Bonus points for the time that he was chosen for a single trial, and halfway through they settled it so it didn't count as his Jury Duty for the Year and he was called AGAIN. What the heck is that about?

Guess I could go on and on about my BIL, my Sister, Mom, rant about the robberies at FIL's business and nothing being done (refuse to even take prints for cripe's sake)... actually for that matter DH could mention all that... but he's the quiet sort, hates controversy... not likely to speak up unless they ask him directly... and since there aren't any convictions for those... well that's all they care about really.

I know, without a doubt, that I would NOT be a fair juror... I KNOW I am biased... sometimes one way sometimes another, but biased nonetheless... that alone should be reason enough to be dismissed, but the fact is that the lawyers WANT bias, they're just specific about it. As DarkMatter said, they look for people with specific biases that they can manipulate to get the verdict they want. Both sides do this. In a malpractice suit the one's suing avoid doctor's wives at all costs, but the defense loves them... Or in rape case, the criminal side will try their best to get as few women on the board as they can... while the prosecution wants to be able to scare them into a guilty verdict. That is the major flaw with our system. Our own lives make us open to being manipulated.

Ohhh did anyone read Runaway Jury, Grisham? They made a movie, John Cusack, did a sorta okay job though they changed the central theme... the book is WAY better... but it's an interesting little view into juries... fiction, but still interesting.

Of course, then there's A Time To Kill... severe prejudice to fight against in that one... not just the jury but the whole area too. Again, fiction, but not an entirely false glimpse either.
I just go.
I know, not cool. But, It is a great country we belong to. This is what I can do to show my gratitude.
Every time I gripe about how bad we have it, I think about some poor soul living in a mud hut in a third world country-probably with the bread winner in jail for a political reason-, I straighten out my priorities.
There are a lot of things I do not like to do. But I do them anyway.

Feel free to boo me. You have the right. I may cry and never again come to this great BYC land, but you have the right.
someone i know really really REALLY wanted to be called. they finally did. and they enthusiastically answered all the questions.....and included "just like on Law & Order" in almost every reply.

they got sent home. it was the saddest day EVER.

a true story but maybe you could make it work for you?
Naw, no booing. It's awesome that you have that drive.

I'm just biased, I've seen and heard of so many cases where the facts didn't matter a whit... heck cases that never were prosecuted even with tons of evidence... evidence being tossed because the criminal is a judge, is married to a judge, their dad is a judge... etc etc... and we aren't talking backwoods, small town, close knit communities here we're talking major metropolitan areas... it's hard to be eager to serve when you know that your serving really doesn't matter... when the facts don't even matter... hard to be psyched about doing your civic duty when it could result in a massive miscarriage of justice that you'll have to live with.

I'm quite thankful I've been able to avoid it thus far... for legitimate reasons, I do NOT leave my kids alone... not with CPS investigating half my bloody kinfolk... maybe by the time mine are out of that range my blood will have cooled some... or *gasp* the system will have improved.
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