Ended Your Chicken Pictures Needed For The BYC 2013 Calendar

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Ah thanks! I think she was around 12 weeks when I took this picture. She has always been very white. My columbian wyandotte rooster has more speckles on his back. I think I just got lucky with her :).
Love looking at all of the photos- everyones chickens are beautiful! So interesting seeing all of the different breeds. Just love 'em!

This is Sassie, she wears her name well. She was very interested in the camera. She is 1 year old.

This is Vic, he's 5 months old. He is stunning. He is very shy and also camera shy.

On the left is Henrietta, an Ameracauna/Easter Egger. she is the most likeable and friendly hen in our flock. She comes a running every time I open the back door. Big Red is on the right. She is also an Ameracauna/Easter Egger. She is a "BIG" egg layer. She lays the biggest chicken eggs I have ever seen. The last one was about 6 inches around by 6 & 7/8 inches long!

This is Lil' Brown (named by our grandson). She is a bantam Ameracauna/Easter Egger and a sweet girl.
Snapped a few photos today with this contest in mind.

Here are some of my salmon faverolles pullets hiding from the weed wacker.

Here are some of the girls stretching their wings after being cooped up.

Yea, I wanted to delete my first 2 submissions on page 3 I think it was, but it woudlnt' let me....delete my post or edit it anymore :( b/c in a later post I changed them to better ones :(
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