Your Chicken Want List

Will do.....I am on day 13 of a current hatch and plan to start looking as soon as the bator is empty!!!
luvmy, I got my eggs from Buddy Henry in TN. They were all alive on day 18 so I think something happened on my end, not his. Really nice guy, ordered 12, got 15. He is at Good luck with your search. I'm going to stick with live chicks at this point!
ok ~ my 2c ~

a few more aracauna mutts ~ skunky, splash, or otherwise ~ They have so many beautiful variations, & they are the sweetest, mellow, pretty birds, and who can knock the gorgeous eggs?

a blue-laced red wyandotte ~ I think that's what it is, talk about beautiful lacing and colors!!

What ever that Hiro rooster is (frozenfeathers bird)~ that is one of the most gorgeous birds I have ever seen!! (is it a Dutch? talk about GORGEOUS!!)

A red laced pheasant with the green face ~ soo very pretty!!

one of those splash peacocks, half white, and have blue-india ~ wow!! Talk about majestic!

and some ducks, and a goose or three, and well, an acre or two of REAL farm land, .... I mean, as long as it's a wish list...
edited to add frozen feathers bird
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Well, I don't know the personalities of many breeds yet. I'm getting to know my new girls better but they're not even 6 weeks old yet. So here's where I'm at now for my faves:
~Red Sex links-they are the friendliest girls I've ever had
~buff orpingtons
~dominiques-I just took in a stray hen that a coworker found and she is a love!
~black austrolorps
Just 5 huh? That's tough!!!
I still want so many more!!
Russian Orloffs
Columbian Wyandottes
splash silkies
partridge silkies
khaki campbell ducks
ancona ducks
Can I throw in some nigerian dwarf goats and a llama or two? And about 5 more acres of land?? Please!?
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I would love to have a few more blue wheaton amerucanas and be able to have a rooster. I would also get some blue salmon favorrels to go with my normal hens.

more blue wheaton ameruacanas (including a rooster for breeding)(for eggs)
more favorolles (including a rooster for breeding) (for eggs) (meat)
blue slate turkeyes (for meat)
embden geese (for meat and eggs)
toulouse geese (for meat and eggs and just to have around)
silver apple yard ducks (meat and eggs and just to have around)
and kaki campbell ducks (for eggs)
that Is about it I also want bee's and goat's but that will wait till I have my own place.


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