Your Experience with male female ratio with hatching eggs


11 Years
Dec 8, 2008
Waco, Texas
Hubby may let me hatch some duck eggs later this spring... I was wondering what to expect to get How many males and how many females.. I will only keep maybe 2 of the females and then have to rehome the rest..
Hopefully someone else will chime in, so basically this is just a bump.

Of the two I have hatched so far this year, there is one of each. But I dont know if you really CAN count on it going one way or the other?
Everything is SUPPOSED to be a 1/1 ratio of male to female chickens have been 1/2 I have WAY more hens than roo's! I think it depends on the individual animals that produce the eggs.
it is something in the water.....

maybe it is the whole 50/50 thing (you know statistics...punnett squares)

I still think it is the water.....if you answer that on the test yo will get it wrong.....

I still think it is the water
Last hatch with 2 eggs, got 1 of each. This time, 1 egg = 1 male (I can tell already - his legs are so stinkin' thick it's not even funny!) I think my Silkie Duck might be a girl, but she's out of a different pair from the others...
it is 50/50. the Female has two different sex genes and her offspring will get one or the other. This does not mean expect half female and half male. lets say a female lays on average 7 eggs per clutch. to get an idea of what you can expect. flip a coin 7 times. head equals Female, tails equals Male. so those 7 flips tells you what you can expect. Then flip the coin 7 more times and record the males and females. you can expect this combination also. you can keep doing this 7 flip test forever and have just as much expectation of that last results as you can the first. and no having more males in one hatch does not mean you have better chances of having more females later. the chance is 50/50 until it is either a male or a female then all chance is gone. the next egg has the same 50/50 chance until it is one or the other. etc.
with this rule I say there is a chance your first 7 eggs will be 2 males 5 females. enjoy them:)

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