Your Favorite Movie of all Time?


o brother...very good too, I have the soundtrack even though i'm not a bluegrass person.
dances w/ wolves also a favorite.
The Shawshank Redemption too.
I absolutely A-D-O-R-E "Labyrinth" with David Bowie~ (yum). I'm a sucker for all fantasy movies really, "The Princess Bride", "Legend", "The Dark Crystal" anyone?~

"The Seven Year Itch" with Marilyn Monroe is pretty up there too...

OH! And probably my favorite series of all time: Mickey Rooney as the adorable "Andy Hardy"~
Pretty Women hands down for me
LOVE IT I own it but still have to watch it when it's on tv too!
My all time favorite is probably "Grease"....I can watch that over and over.

I also love "Breakfast Club", "Sixteen Candles", "Forrest Gump", Shindler's List", "Night at the Roxbury" and "Napoleon Dynamite",
princess bride (every time someone leaves our house me and DH lean out and say "have fun stormin the castle)
Rocky Horror
Hockus Pockus
O Brother where for art thou (have the soundtrack on my Ipod
all the original godzilla's
Mothra movies

If its B I love it

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