I live in a small town that has little to offer in the way of craft or fabric stores. Our Wally World has virtually eliminated its fabric/craft area, and at its best it wasn't very good but would do in an emergency.
There is one shop in town that has a limited selection of fabric but the prices are outrageous. I am thinking my best bet would be to start ordering online.
I am a little nervous just because it seems so counter intuitive to order fabric that you can't see or touch. How accurate are the descriptions and colors when you order fabric online?
If you have a favorite online fabric store, would you mind posting the name and perhaps a link to the website? Also, if you have any tips or advice I would appreciate that as well.
Thanks so much!
There is one shop in town that has a limited selection of fabric but the prices are outrageous. I am thinking my best bet would be to start ordering online.
I am a little nervous just because it seems so counter intuitive to order fabric that you can't see or touch. How accurate are the descriptions and colors when you order fabric online?
If you have a favorite online fabric store, would you mind posting the name and perhaps a link to the website? Also, if you have any tips or advice I would appreciate that as well.
Thanks so much!