your opinion on a barred rock chick please


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 7, 2009
san francisco, ca
So I made the mistake of trying out the old wives tale of holding a chick upside down by it's legs to determine gender. My barred rock chick was the only one that struggled. Now I'm fearing that it's head spot looks more like a boy's head spot... what do you think? Any opinions would be appreciated!


My BR looked very similar at that age. I also tried the "tip the bird over" test and my chick did not struggle. It's been about three weeks and I can see that he is a..he. So, not sure if that test really works.
Your little one is sweet!
Dark legs, dark feathers... looks like a pullet. I've hatched over 40 BR since May. I got them from 3 different states and they can look rather diverse! I have some 9 week old BR pullets right now that are very dark.
It doesn't bother me that she's a mutt...I just hope she really turns out to be a girl. I think her/his coloring looks a bit darker in the photos.
I think it's probably a BR (is the comb single?)cockerel. The headspot is typical of BR cockerels with all the "frosting" across the back of the head. The legs are typical pinkish baby legs of a chick that age. They don't start out yellow. However, if that is a brown tint I'm seeing on the wing bows, then it's a cross with a BR or other barred breed as the sire.
The only thing about this one that says female to me is the tail growing. Pullets get their tails by the end of week one and boys usually take longer. If it's a cross, all bets are off on the sexing rules, though.

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