Your Thoughts and Prayers Please!!!!Update Pg 3


11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
South of KCMO
Yesterday morning my mother went into surgery to have a femoral endorectomy (sp). Her second one in 6 weeks. So we thought it would go routine, there were complications. A surgery that we were told would last 3 hrs. max and no one came out and talked to us for 5 and then 1 hr. of recovery turned into 4 because they could not get her heart and blood pressure stabalized. She has received 7 units of blood as of 9pm last night. I've never been more scared in my life. She doesn't have strong heart to begin with. Please keep my mom in your thoughts and prayers today and in the coming days.

My Mom

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absolutely! Dear Father, protect this family and continue to provide wisdom to the doctors. Comfort all waiting for the surgery to be finished and healing to take place. In Jesus' name amen!

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