Your thoughts?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 11, 2014
I ordered 100 Bobwhite eggs to hatch out. When i received them I got 110. Out of that, 18 were cracked and had really thin shells, also the were very yellow in color. No big deal, still had 92 eggs. They should be hatching on or around the 10th, I have them in an egg turner, temp is perfect in the incubator. Last night I decided to candle them to see what I was looking at for a possible hatch out number. Out of the 92 eggs, 79 had absolutely nothing going on in them, clear all the way thru. Needless to say, very disappointing. I know there is no guarantee on eggs, but is worth even trying to contact the seller? I got them from a game bird farm online, assumed from their site the were reputable. What are your thoughts? Any of you have a suggestion for a Bobwhite egg supplier? I'm only in to these $100 and want to hatch out more than the 13 that look good so far. Thanks!
Most people's bobwhites aren't even laying yet. You probably got the first group of someones eggs before fertility was established. I wouldn't order more bobwhite eggs for a couple weeks, until bobs are laying on natural light, and everyone has established fertility in their flock(takes 1-2 weeks after they start laying).

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