Your very last chicken... what would it be?

1. First choice are my Easter Eggers. Love those birds, roosters are sweet, hens are sweeter. Plus, those lovely eggs! Sweet personality's, tame, cold hardy, frostbite resistant and love-able. Cons are: Some of my girls aren't very good with heat, but then some of mine are very good with heat. They aren't the best when it comes to hiding from predators, either, or spotting them. And pretty submissive. If you have a flock of all of them, it shouldn't be to bad, but with my other birds such as my BRs and SLW's, they get the short end of the stick quite often.

2. Barred Rocks are my seconds choice. They're neck and neck with EE's, but I love them so much. Hardy and sweet, and amazing when it comes to predators. Never lost one to a predator. Not any cons that I've found, really. They live a long time, as well. One lived till 7, laid up until the day she died, the other was almost 10 and stopped laying a year before she passed, and the other is 5/6 years old and still laying. One I have found, now that I think of it, is they are very dominant. Almost always at the top.

3. Wyandottes. Those birds are the absolute best. Cold hardy, lovely eggs, friendly, resistant to frostbite. They can be a little bit aggressive, especially when you lose a bird and the pecking order gets screwed up. Overall, they are pretty awesome.

Both of my Barred Rock Pullets are at the bottom of the pecking order. They're the absolute sweetest birds ever! My SLWyandotte's are at the top, then my Buff Orpington and then the BRs. Only 1 Pullet is laying so far, at 21 weeks and that's one of the Barred Rocks that started laying at 18/19 weeks old. I guess my BRs are my favorites but my BR cockerel is an absolute jerk! I'd rather have a bantam or really flighty breed if I chose to keep a cockerel, instead of having them on accident with my initial intentions of wanting pullets
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Is she a Frizzle or just in a bad molt?
Nope, I cannot do just one... sorry :lau

But my top 3 are (in this order):

1. Opal Legbars
Gorgeous, exceptionally sweet, and lay a lovely blue egg - What more could you want?! They have my heart.

2. OEGBs
My two Old English Game bantam pullets fly onto my shoulder and love attention. They are super tiny and super adorable and I want a thousand of them :love

3. Silkies (Frizzles, Satins, etc... so I guess "bantam cochin?")
I could watch my flock of fluff foreeeever. They are just too heckin' cute! I also really love their mild temperaments with each other because I want all the roos lol

Yes! This! So I'd have to say a Welorprocksilkchinbrahmabright.

I'll take 5, please! :D
For me it's a contest between Speckled Sussex (pictured) and Barred Rock. I love both of these breeds as they are very human sociable, and loaded with personality, as well as being prolific egg layers, and being aesthetic to look at. My two favorite hens of all time
1. pictured - Sophia Loren, Speckled Sussex (and her sister - Raquel Welch)
2. my avatar - Hattie the Head Sitter, Barred Rock
3. Pulling up in third, not pictured, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and Buff Orpington)
For me it's a contest between Speckled Sussex (pictured) and Barred Rock. I love both of these breeds as they are very human sociable, and loaded with personality, as well as being prolific egg layers, and being aesthetic to look at. My two favorite hens of all time
I would think you would find the same characteristics you admire in other varieties of the same two breeds. I believe light and red Sussex would behave the same as the speckled.
The same as the 7 or 8 other varieties of Plymouth Rocks like White, Buff, Silver Penciled, Partridge, Columbian and Blue.

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