Your very last chicken... what would it be?

Before I got chickens, I had a list of ones that I wanted based on looks the bird and colour of their eggs more than anything. Now, I just care about temperament. I don't care which type of chicken I have as long as they're funny and friendly little monsters who are comfortable in my back yard.
That’s the dilemma I’m having as of this moment. I’m internally struggling between having a colorful flock with colorful eggs and colorful personalities over just surefire egg and meat producers lol. I think I have 8 different breeds on my spring chick list as of right now. :idunno My husband just wants me to stick to 3 breeds so when the chickens get past prime laying age we can hatch sex linked chicks, but I don’t know. It’s just too difficult to settle on a few and life is just too short to get some that won’t be friendly and want to be loved on. :p
That's an easy question for me since I made my decision over 5 years ago. I've had over 30 breeds of chickens and there are more that I would like to try but I decided I only have time and space to do one breed justice. Mine is the Black variety of the Penedesenca. There are so many things that have endeared them to me and they are unique in so many ways. I did a write up on them in the following link.

Off the top of my head, other breeds I really like are Minorcas, Anconas, Jaerhons and Jersey Giants.
Mine would be the Cream Legbar. Average amount of fair sized blue eggs. Can be sexed from hatch. Relatively hardy birds.

Totally agree. They are also very friendly. Both fly to land on my arms when called. One of them is a true lap chicken and will ride on my shoulder when I walking in our backyard.
...My husband just wants me to stick to 3 breeds so when the chickens get past prime laying age we can hatch sex linked chicks, but I don’t know. It’s just too difficult to settle on a few and life is just too short to get some that won’t be friendly and want to be loved on. :p
Do yourself a favor and avoid 'bred for production' birds. Those bred specifically to produce eggs often die early of a myriad of reproductive disorders and cancer. Those bred to produce meat die early out of necessity as their skinny little legs cannot bear their weight, so their heart doesn't get the exercise it needs; these birds either must be culled due to broken legs, or die of heart related disease. I've not had either of these 'production' breeds live past 2 years old, my oldest meat bird was about 13 months. Your mileage may differ, but after nursing them back to health repeatedly, and growing very emotionally invested in them because of the need to regularly nurse them, I refuse to invest in these types of breeds again.
You didn't say what your husband wants to do with the cockerels that you hatch out. It's not like you can tell if an unhatched egg (chick to be) is male or female. If your plan is to process them for the table, then I see no reason to hatch out 'sex links'. You could just partition off space for the 'boys' to live (or be moved to once gender has been determined) and either process them at a given age and freeze them for the future, or process them individually when you're ready for a chicken dinner. I prefer to process individually.
If you keep in mind your family's goals for your flock, it will be much easier to make these decisions.
Doms and Specks aren't so much sneaky as they are just plain bold.
They're doing what they want reguardless of anyone or anything.
There is only one way, theirs.
As far as them taking my scissors that is all Dominique, they're worse than crows about taking things.
My older one goes as far as snatching cigarettes from peoples mouths, lit ones and running with them.
They are not for slow moving people, but they are very entertaining and lovely to look at.:)
My SF are definitely very calm birds (not fast and don’t cause problems). Looks like the Dominque snd speckled Sussex are pretty crafty or sneaky...They have taken your scissors!

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