Your very last chicken... what would it be?

Oh, you must try Orpingtons!!! I love love love my Buff Orpingtons!!! :love And now I have some 4 month old Lavender Orpingtons, and they are just as sweet and beautiful! Once you have one of these big fluffy Orps in your flock you will fall in love! :love Well, is there a chicken we can't fall in love with? But, you get my point. :D
I'll add them to my list! Aren't there something like 2,000 chicken breeds? Oof my list is going to be long!!:eek:
My Araucanas (Ameraucana outside of Australia) no doubt! We’re getting at least 6 more oddball breeds. Favorelles will be one, jubilee orpingtons... but I just love my blues too much! If I was back in California though... it’d be a hard call between them and Cemani’s! That black on black is TOO smooth! Sadly, not available here in Australia.:hit
I've probably answered this thread before, but am going to again. Still going with my pert and friendly little EEs. I think they are under-appreciated because there is no SOP for them, nor indeed can there be. The poor man's Araucana, at least where egg color is concerned, they're usually calm, friendly, curious and, in my experience, a bit whimsical. Not the brightest bird in the coop, but far from the flightiest. What's working well for us is to have a few Brown Leghorns as alert birds, sentries if you will, to keep the EEs on their toes and alive. So, practically speaking, my last bird standing will in all likelihood end up being a feral BL that survives all the curious, friendly EEs: "Hullo, what have we here, then? What's that you say? A coyote? What's a coyote? Let's have a closer look at yo---"

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