Your very last chicken... what would it be?

Your very last chicken... what would it be?
It is, and she's here. She's a Marans, but I wouldn't care what she was.
We've been together for almost ten years. She doesn't lay eggs really any more. Just a handful last year to show willing. We've seen lots come and go over the years. She could tell you some stories. I've told a few of hers.
Here's one of them.
And here she is. She popped over to lay an egg.
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It's like she knew you were thinking of her, and struck a pose. She's lovely. :)
How the heck can I pick only one?! Lol!

I think I'd go with Jersey Giant - my hen Olive is probably the sweetest in the flock. Whenever I'm just sitting on the ground, she will come up behind me and lightly peck/scratch me until I pet her or she will just hop into my lap and hang with me for a while. Then she will go about her chicken business :love

I also had a Jersey Giant Rooster and he was king of the flock. Didn't really pick on anyone and never attacked a person. :D
How the heck can I pick only one?! Lol!

I think I'd go with Jersey Giant - my hen Olive is probably the sweetest in the flock. Whenever I'm just sitting on the ground, she will come up behind me and lightly peck/scratch me until I pet her or she will just hop into my lap and hang with me for a while. Then she will go about her chicken business :love

I also had a Jersey Giant Rooster and he was king of the flock. Didn't really pick on anyone and never attacked a person. :D

Hi, @Bird-Whisperer :frow How did you get your BJG hen to be so tame? I have chicks coming in Feb., at least one BJG among them. Please tell me how you raised her. Thanks.
I would have to say the white jersey giant. I have soooo many breeds, but I am absolutely in love with my jersey giant Harvey. He's named after the invisible white rabbit in the movie "Harvey" with jimmy stewart. He's huge, he's sweet, he's wonderful with the girls and they LOVE him! They fight for a spot next to him at night on the roost! I love my speckled Sussex, Sadie, who follows me and acts like a puppy. I love my Delawares who peck at my shoe to get my attention. I love my Buff Orpington Maggie who is the greatest mother a chicken could ever be! I love my old RIR Myrtle Mae who survived a bear attack and is my oldest. But if I had to pick I have to go with the white jersey giant! Who wouldn't love this bulky boy?

harvey with a girl.jpg
Marans. Bunny is my BCM. She is always so gentle and friendly. I didn’t have the opportunity to hand raise my flock but you’d think so with Bunny. She comes right up to me and looks at me with questioning eyes. She even jumps up on something to get closer. She has no problem with me picking her up, seems to like it. Because of her I recently got 2 Blue/Black/Splash Marans. One has a copper ring. Her name is Edna and the other is Doris. These two are just as friendly. Edna even sat down on my knee and settled in for about ten minutes before she stood up and jumped down. Marans are just so sweet And absolutely gorgeous.
Of course when I got my BBSMs I also got two Wheaten Amauracauna. Rosie’s face is all white with those cheeks omg. She is always looking up at me as she stands at my feet like she’s asking for a cookie. So this breed is my second choice... as if I could actually choose between them and my BO, SLW, EE,OE,LO,55 Flower,LH, or FLB.
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