Your very last chicken... what would it be?

If you could only have one breed for the rest of your days, what would it be? What is the one chicken that will always have a place in your coop (and heart) and why? :)

Just curious to see all the responses and reasonings because I may or may not be needing to see what else I can add to my spring chick order list. :p

This is all just for fun. Pictures, rankings or long lists of recommended breeds will all be appreciated. ;)
Isa Brown. Isa browns are adorable and affectionate little feathered friends that can produce up to a whopping 300-350 eggs per year! the last breed I would want. and maybe the one that would make me filthy rich! :D:D:D:D
Now I cant say each D’Uccle is going to be the same they are each very different so it would be hard for me to choose a breed but D’Uccles would be the ones just because i breed, raise, show and especially love them!

Im getting 2 mottleds tonight!
Hi, @Bird-Whisperer :frow How did you get your BJG hen to be so tame? I have chicks coming in Feb., at least one BJG among them. Please tell me how you raised her. Thanks.

I had them in a bathtub until they were big enough to stay outside (which was whenever they started hopping out of the tub and running around the house lol)!
I was also home almost 24/7 since I was homeschooled, so I had a lot of chances to hold/play with them.

I guess the trick is to hold them a lot when they are young so they get use to it. Jerseys have a reputation for being friendly as well, so I think you will be fine. :thumbsup
I had them in a bathtub until they were big enough to stay outside (which was whenever they started hopping out of the tub and running around the house lol)!
I was also home almost 24/7 since I was homeschooled, so I had a lot of chances to hold/play with them.

I guess the trick is to hold them a lot when they are young so they get use to it. Jerseys have a reputation for being friendly as well, so I think you will be fine. :thumbsup

Thanks, @Bird-Whisperer . I am a busy Grandma, but I'll try to spend as much time with them as I can while they are littles. ;)
This is me pretty much all day :weeuntil this happens :th
I would have to say the white jersey giant. I have soooo many breeds, but I am absolutely in love with my jersey giant Harvey. He's named after the invisible white rabbit in the movie "Harvey" with jimmy stewart. He's huge, he's sweet, he's wonderful with the girls and they LOVE him! They fight for a spot next to him at night on the roost! I love my speckled Sussex, Sadie, who follows me and acts like a puppy. I love my Delawares who peck at my shoe to get my attention. I love my Buff Orpington Maggie who is the greatest mother a chicken could ever be! I love my old RIR Myrtle Mae who survived a bear attack and is my oldest. But if I had to pick I have to go with the white jersey giant! Who wouldn't love this bulky boy?

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Interesting: Last winter I lost all but 4 of my birds to predators and, since I was to turn 81 in the fall, decided maybe the Universe was telling me it was time to get out of the chicken business after 30 years. My dear wife, however, talked me into doing just one more flock. So I sat down with McMurray's latest catalog and look through it to decide what those last birds would be. Unfortunately I could not decide on a single breed so ended up choosing 8 of the breeds I had the most luck with and enjoyed the most over the years. I'm not going to list them because the breeds aren't important--everyone has different tastes--but I selected 4 pullets of each. I now have a nice flock of 3 dozen birds that are producing eggs we enjoy and giving us pleasure in watching. I'm good for another 4 years at least.
Age is no factor! Chickens are the best friends you can have. The wife was right? No? Yes! Enjoy your flock! :hugs
I would have to say the white jersey giant. I have soooo many breeds, but I am absolutely in love with my jersey giant Harvey. He's named after the invisible white rabbit in the movie "Harvey" with jimmy stewart. He's huge, he's sweet, he's wonderful with the girls and they LOVE him! They fight for a spot next to him at night on the roost! I love my speckled Sussex, Sadie, who follows me and acts like a puppy. I love my Delawares who peck at my shoe to get my attention. I love my Buff Orpington Maggie who is the greatest mother a chicken could ever be! I love my old RIR Myrtle Mae who survived a bear attack and is my oldest. But if I had to pick I have to go with the white jersey giant! Who wouldn't love this bulky boy?

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Age is no factor! Chickens are the best friends you can have. The wife was right? No? Yes! Enjoy your flock! :hugs
Harvey is a handsome man for sure!!! :love
I've had several breeds to determine just that - what is my favorite chicken. Hands down - number one - Coronation Sussex. Very sweet and lovable. Not at all like the speckled Sussex. They are a dual purpose bird that will dress out well besides laying some nice eggs. However, I will always have a Barred Rock and a Black Australorp too!


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I've had several breeds to determine just that - what is my favorite chicken. Hands down - number one - Coronation Sussex. Very sweet and lovable. Not at all like the speckled Sussex. They are a dual purpose bird that will dress out well besides laying some nice eggs. However, I will always have a Barred Rock and a Black Australorp too!

I am so happy to hear so many good reviews about the Black Australorp, as we are expecting our first ones about the middle of February.

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