yucky rooster.

That's what I thought too until I was told it was safe for them. I haven't tried it yet but I will this spring when the ants multiply.

well, i suppose i'll try it too later this week, when i have time to clean the coop..
sprinkle it in the chickens favorite rest spots too and their favorite dust bath spots. If you mix it in their dust bath spots they will self dust themselves with it.
Is there really "7" dust for insects or do you mean Sevin dust for the garden?

Sevin dust for the garden works! But the other chickens won't like the smell of him and might not sit close to him for a few days...
if you have a dusty spot in your pen, sprinkle some food there, so he'll be encouraged to dust bathe and scratch around in it.
If he is literally crawling with lice, as you describe, BATHE HIM NOW in a dog/cat flea/tick shampoo; preferably one with an insect growth regulator. I also treat him with ivermectin while still damp. I would also treat all the other birds.

DE does nothing except dry up the area (it is a dessicant) when there is already an infestation of bugs. It may help prevent one, but it will NOT clear one up.

Thoroughly spray the woodwork in and near the areas where he sleeps with a liquid pesticide appropriate for animal quargters. This includes liquid sevin, malathion, permethrin, pyrethrins and several other pesticide products. Once again, I highly recommend using one with an insect growth regulator. While you are at it, thoroughly spray the coop and clean out bedding, replacing with new beddings, into which you have mixed sevin 5% dust and/or permethrin dust.

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